Thursday, 19 May 2016


 As a student Universiti Utara Malaysia I get many memory that I never forget it. I can know many friends at here. Also many program I join at UUM. The best program I join here is time "Malam Anugerah Eon Terbaik" or the short name is MAET. In this program I became a member of a special task committee assignments.
I and my team make a flower to MAET. It;s took 7 days to finish this flower.. very tired because make this flower with paper crepe very difficult and I so happy when finished the flower.

And because of MAET we all become closer and be friends.We all together to ensure the success of this event. The best memory in this program when I and my team not enough sleep because to make sure that flower finish before MAET. And when the day awaited is MAET we all nervous and hope that this event will be run smoothly

At that night, the best moment to me is when flashmob with all committee members involved at stage. We all dance song "bang bang and mr.chu" front of all audience and principle DPP EON. After yet we all take picture together. I so happy because participate came at program MAET very happy and very satisfied.

That's all of me and my story about experience. But many I want to story to all of you but for today thats all. Thank you for reading short story from me.

Hye and assalamualaikum my are you? I hope all of you fine and stay health..I want to be a business woman. And I think many student want to be business woman because I see many student make business at college or university or school even a small business. Many  of student give up because their business not get a response  from customer. So today I want to share about tips business online.

University or college is a challenge, no matter what age. But, factor in work and family ‐‐ and suddenly it's a juggling act as well. Online learning has certainly helped add a bit more balance into the life of the working and parenting student, but in some ways it adds to the challenge because ‐‐ in addition to going back to school ‐‐ you're also learning in a completely new medium. Here are the six tips I think will help you make the most of your online learning experience. 

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Course Requirements


 Spend time looking over the course syllabus and other important course materials. Make sure you understand the course objectives, the scope of the material you will cover, and when assignments are due.

 2. Take Responsibility

 Even though you don't see instructors and classmates ‐‐ taking classes via the Web is still going to school. You need to take online courses as seriously as you would any traditional learning programs. Remember, too, that instructors can't read your facial expressions as they would in a traditional setting. If you're struggling, you need to let your instructor know right away so he or she can get you the help you need.

 3. Set Goals.  

These can be as simple as logging into your classes every day ﴾or at least five times a week﴿ to check message boards and announcements, to starting assignments the day after they are posted, to setting aside a regular time every day or every week when your mind is fresh and you will not be interrupted for when you'll study.  Once you've set your goals, stick to them. After a time, they will simply become a part of your every day actions and habits. 

4. Participate.  

Since there is no face‐to‐face interaction with instructors and classmates, you need to
be proactive. Join in on chat sessions, post messages on discussion boards and start one‐on‐one email discussions. One of the greatest benefits of online learning is anonymity ‐ so there's no need to be intimidated ‐‐ say or ask what you need to in order to keep learning. 

. 5.Print Lectures and Reading Materials. 

 This piece of advice goes a bit against the purpose of online, but it's not realistic to think that you can read lectures on the computer screen and really learn the material in any proactive way. It's much easier on the eyes ﴾and the brain﴿ to print pages posted online, highlighting and making notes just as you would in any
traditional text. Remember that study includes many different tasks. When instructors talk about the need to study, they mean you should read review material, complete all homework, and review class notes, text assignments and supplementary material on a regular schedule.

 6. Apply What You've Learned

 You'll be able to retain information if you can apply it immediately to your real life, whether that falls into home or work. You can do this by talking to peers and supervisors about what you've learned, as well as actually using practical knowledge like computer‐related training or proper business communication tactics. Best of all, pretend that you will have to teach someone else to apply the concepts and skills you are learning. Master what you would need to know to accomplish that goal.


Hi guys..Thank you for visit my page and I appreciate it. Do you remember my name? my name is AISYAUZUMAKI...okay , I want to share to all of reader some tips today how to manage your stress. Yeah, as a student I understand why student always stress. Maybe have many assignment or work have to do. So don't worry because here I will share to you 4 time management tips to calm college student stress..Interesting right??.
I hope you enjoy it..

1. Time is your GREATEST asset in life. You get to CHOOSE how you spend it. 

I know ­ it's a hard concept to embrace because that means we all have to stop making excuses for college student stress. Instead of saying, "I can't exercise because I don't have time," we have to admit, "I choose not to exercise because I'm not prioritizing it into my schedule." We are all personally responsible for our lives and how we spend our time is a direct reflection of how well we embrace time management. 

When I experienced college student stress, I blamed others for my lack of time management. I believed that the only way I could lower my stress levels was if my professors stopped dishing out so much homework. Instead of learning better time management strategies and easing up on my own perfectionism, I made excuses. Every semester, I feel deeper into overwhelm until I let anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic college student stress usurp my life. Bottom line: Take control over your time right now and be calmer and happier for the rest of your life. You deserve it! 

2. Time management means learning to say N­O.

"You can determine how you use your time or by default, let others plan it for you," says Beverly Coggins, professional organizer and author of the e­book, Three Steps to Time Management for the College Student. 

Coggins believes that in order to calm college student stress we need to have a grasp on our own passions and priorities so that we're in a stronger position to not be led around by the whims of others. "By determining your own passions and priorities, it gives you confidence to stay focused on where you want to go in life," she adds. Bottom line: College students are supposed to be self­focused! You're not a selfish person if you choose to be empowered by your own goals. Plus, when you take care of yourself first, you'll have more energy to be there for your friends. 

 3. Skipping class = MORE stress.

 Sorry to be the downer but skipping class really does screw with time management. It increases college student stress in the long run. Think about it: You miss class notes, class discussion, repetition of materials, interacting with your classmates and you're wasting money. If you calculate how much money you're spending per college class and then divide it by how many classes there are in a semester, you may be surprised to realize that you skipped out on a class that could very easily have exceeded one­to­several hundred dollars. Ugh! That's a week's worth of putting up with obnoxious customers at the mall or waiting tables at The Olive Garden. 

I've skipped my fair share of classes in high school and college and playing catch up sucks! Be honest: how much time do you spend trying to decipher your friend's shorthand when you borrow her class notes or tracking down your professor during office hours?  Bottom line: Unless it's a true emergency, go to class and hit the snooze button on the weekends. 

4. Sleep SAVES time

 According to Coggins, sleep should be the first thing that goes on our master schedules to calm college student stress. Why? "Sleep deprivation has the same affect on you as alcohol," says Coggins. "Your reaction time is slow, you can't think clearly, you gain weight, and you can get depressed." 

Think about how much time we waste napping during the day because we don't sleep enough at night. C' mon, how many of us have fallen asleep when we're sitting quietly ... like in class! Coggins advises that college students figure out ways to reduce interruptions to sleep like investing in earplugs, a fan, a sleeping mask, or a note on your door. Bottom line: Don't sacrifice sleep because sleep deprivation is the true time waster and it definitely makes us more susceptible to college student stress. 


motivation studies

Assalamualaikum and hello hello reader blog.... Thank you all of you because still remember me and still read my blog.  Here I want talk about college motivation. I hope you enjoy it.

I used to think that the best way to succeed in school was to study, study and even study some more. I realized the saying that 'all work and no play. College success is more than just academics; it's learning how to be an adult for the first time in your life. It's about developing tremendous interpersonal relationships with professors, counselors, and most importantly your peers. It's the whole college experience that enables one to truly succeed. Meeting new people, opening your mind to different ideas and cultures, and most importantly, the enjoyment of the four plus years that you're in school. Years from now, you will look back and consider your time in school as one of if not the best time of your life. That being the case, I strongly recommend that you take time and appreciate each goal that is achieved. If you don't take time to 'pat yourself on the back', more so than not, no one else will. Two things to keep in mind: 
1. You are your biggest supporter and your harshest critic.
 2. Remember to respect your goals that you are trying to attain and appreciate and reflect on the ones you have reached. REMEMBER THAT MY FRIENDS..

Ask question.

Being a freshman is always challenging, as you step into new world of exciting adventures. And some of you I think maybe you've heard about Albert Einstein , William Shakespeare and so on but I think you never had a chance to read or actually have someone tell you about their works and what they did for society and the entire human race.  And so, as you step into college you should be ready to explore what was once a dormant seed in you and erase the fear of college and being a freshman. Life is full of new adventures and being a freshman is no different. Although it may seem a little difficult at first, the key to success is determination and motivation. Always think positive. Ask questions. Remember, no question is a dumb question. You go to school to learn, so take advantage of
 it and go for it. 

Positive thinking and science

What I want to say never give up even bad happen in you life. Because of pat negative experiences, many student are anxious about being in class science. If you tell yourself that you're going fail , you will. As difficult as it may seem, you have to adopt a positive attitude. Anything you believe you can do, you can do. I give this advice to all my students. Many come in convinced that they can't do biology and 15 weeks later they express amazement at how well they have done. Listen to me. Adopting a positive attitude has proven effective for many students. It will work for you. 

Setting goals.


Little is done any of us without motivation and a goal in mind. Motivation is the internal fire which allows each of us to ascend to something we have yet to achieve. For university students, a goal to graduate provides one of the first destinations as we journey down the academic road toward fulfillment of our degree. Remain focused on your goal to graduate. The path leading to a degree will have many options along the way which can entice you to deviate from your goal. Each time you pass one of these deviations you will strengthen your motivation to remain on course. Although we can all be temporarily mislead in our journey, if your goal is sound and your motivation to achieve your goal is high, you will be successful. Keep in mind that the education you receive at your university will provide you with the knowledge necessary for the attainment of many future goals. 

tips for student


Hello guys, still remember me??..alright,today I want share to all reader blog about tips student at college or university. In 2016 I see many student make small mistake at college or their class. Sometime I see student not come to class for a reason but they not do something like let lecturer know that you not come in class because have something to do. So, today I will provide some question and answer here that may help you with your studies.

What should you do if a class if full ? there are two thing you can do. firstly contact the instructor or your lecturer to see if they are willing to let you in class. Secondly, go to the class session. This does not ensure that you will get into the class but it may give you a better week.

What if I cannot attend class the first week or more ? Per the college's "No show drop" policy you will be dropped if you don't attend at least the one session or for online classes complete at least one meaningful assignment by the end of the first week.


What if my instructor dropped me?  What if my instructor dropped me? Financial Aid determines your aid amounts based on the credits you are enrolled in just after the drops are processed.  They generally will not revise aid amounts except in cases of administrative error and you will be responsible for paying for the class if you register.  If you were dropped erroneously or confirm that you will receive enough financial aid to pay for the class even though the class was not counted towards your credit load, you can contact the instructor, explain your circumstances, and request to be added back to the class during the second week. The instructor is not required to let you back in the class or let you make up missed work if they do let you back in the class.  

What if I missed class? my opinions is you should contact your instructor to see what you missed. Review back your syllabus early in the term to know the consequences of missing test or homework deadlines. It is your responsibilities to contact the instructor not vice versa.

What if the i received the wrong grade ? you should go see your lecturer and ask about the your grade. It may be that your grade became confused with another student or the your lecturer misplaced or misrecorded a grade. Always go through the lecturer as a first contact for changing a grade.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


If you're feeling stressed remember in this world you're not alone who stress. I want to share to you tips for reducing stress..

Young people should have everything to be happy about, but as a student with the least responsibility we actually experience the most stress. Student part time jobs with university, worry about assignment and stress about the future and how to make the next step. Trying to manage all these things as once can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

If you're not careful, working to hard and worrying to much can lead to "burnout"when everything seem bleak and you have nothing left to give. It might not seem like it when you;re feeling down but remember living a more stress free life is possible. There are many ways to beat stress effectively. Here are some that I have as a student :


Eating fresh ingredients and lots of fruit is really important. Juices filled with vitamin C, such as orange or grapefruit juice, are said to be good for your immune system so can help with stress. When you're busy and tired it can be tempting just to grab another pizza or ready meal, but cooking from scratch can be therapeutic as well as being healthier.


Doing sport at least once a week is the best way to reduce stress. It helps your body produce endorphins, which make you feel good. Even daily walks of 30 minutes can help reduce stress levels but it's even better to work out intensively. Even if you don't feel like it at the time you will feel the benefits afterwards. Joining a sports club could also help with stress as the regular contact with other people should help improve your mood. And why not try yoga? It's a great way to ease your mind and relax your muscles.


It might sound simple, but sitting quietly for 10 minutes a day can really help with stress levels. If you've never tried meditation before, it's worth a go. Good breathing techniques can put you in a more relaxed state as they send oxygen surging through your bloodstream, helping to calm you down and beat the stress.


Short breaks between working can help you switch off. But longer breaks are important too. How about taking the weekend off to relax? Make time for fun and for yourself even if this means that you have to schedule time away from your work. You'll hopefully come back to your work feeling fresh.


If I stress the first thing I do must listen music.Listening to music can help calm you down and put you in a better frame of mind. If you're feeling stressed, putting on some calming music while you work could really help.


Sleep is always the best medicine and some people find that small 20-minute naps can help increase productivity. As students we tend to spend too much time on social media sites and answering emails, texts and phone calls. Sociability is fun – but too much of it, and too much computer time, can lead to more stress. Failing to switch off from work because of your electronic gadgets will only make you even more stressed.

manage money



Now i want share to you tips to manage your money when at university or college. As a student, staying on top of your finances can be tricky. Learn how to budget and reduce your debt with a little expert know-how.

To get the most out of your university experience, learn some basic money management rules before you go. You'll have a great time without the stress of getting into unnecessary debt- and skills you pick up in the process will help you manage your finances for life.



At its simplest level, having and sticking to a budget means your spending never exceeds your income. " Everyone advises students to budget, but no one tells them what income to base it on "
says Martin Lewis, who runs , and heads a task force on student finance.

" Add up your student loan, any grants you get, any wages you'll earn and cash given to you by your parents- that is your income. Spend no more than this figure"

You must be smart person to budget your money how much you use for one day. For to budget more you can do part time job to add your financial.



Before you go to university you'll probably already have a bank account and chances are your existing bank has a student account you could easily switch to, but don't assume that you'll be getting the best deal.

it never hurts to shop around, even if you eventually find that your money really is in the best place. You can check out a few comparison sites for starters. However, don't throw common sense out the window and sign up for the first account you find that comes with a load of tempting freebies. Extras are not to be sniffed at, but focus instead on getting the biggest interest-free overdraft, which stays interest-free for the longest possible time after you graduate- remember you will have to repay it.

"Once you've done that, and if everything else equals out, then it's fine to factor in a freebie of high monetary value" says Lewis. " for example some banks offer a free railcard, something many student  many student would nee to buy anyway"

Remember that a student bank account is exactly that; it is not designed to give you the best deal once you start working life. “Banks offer interest free borrowing because they hope you are going to be a lucrative customer and stick with them for 60 years,” points out Lewis. “But as soon as you graduate, go and find yourself the most competitive bank account for your needs at that point.”



With all you have to organise before starting university, keeping your stuff safe while you’re a student is probably quite far down your list of priorities — if it’s on your list at all. In fact you
probably reckon you don’t have that many possessions. But imagine if your laptop, smartphone, MP3 player, clothes and that costly piece of jewellery all went up in flames or got stolen. “There are often five or six laptops in a student household, so you need good contents insurance,” says student welfare adviser

If you losing your laptop is awful as it's expensive to get new one.It’s worth checking whether you’re already covered under your parents’ household insurance, so talk to them first. If you find you need to take out your own policy, don’t go straight for the obvious providers on campus, says Lewis. “Students tend to jump to companies that market products as 'student insurance policies’. But these are not necessarily cheaper than a normal home insurance policy — you could well get a better deal elsewhere.”