Hello guys, still remember me??..alright,today I want share to all reader blog about tips student at college or university. In 2016 I see many student make small mistake at college or their class. Sometime I see student not come to class for a reason but they not do something like let lecturer know that you not come in class because have something to do. So, today I will provide some question and answer here that may help you with your studies.
What should you do if a class if full ? there are two thing you can do. firstly contact the instructor or your lecturer to see if they are willing to let you in class. Secondly, go to the class session. This does not ensure that you will get into the class but it may give you a better week.
What if I cannot attend class the first week or more ? Per the college's "No show drop" policy you will be dropped if you don't attend at least the one session or for online classes complete at least one meaningful assignment by the end of the first week.

What if my instructor dropped me? What if my instructor dropped me? Financial Aid determines your aid amounts based on the credits you are enrolled in just after the drops are processed. They generally will not revise aid amounts except in cases of administrative error and you will be responsible for paying for the class if you register. If you were dropped erroneously or confirm that you will receive enough financial aid to pay for the class even though the class was not counted towards your credit load, you can contact the instructor, explain your circumstances, and request to be added back to the class during the second week. The instructor is not required to let you back in the class or let you make up missed work if they do let you back in the class.
What if I missed class? my opinions is you should contact your instructor to see what you missed. Review back your syllabus early in the term to know the consequences of missing test or homework deadlines. It is your responsibilities to contact the instructor not vice versa.
What if the i received the wrong grade ? you should go see your lecturer and ask about the your grade. It may be that your grade became confused with another student or the your lecturer misplaced or misrecorded a grade. Always go through the lecturer as a first contact for changing a grade.
Hello, friends! Studies exhaust students both physically and mentally demanding much time and efforts to do each task at high level, no wonder, most students are stressed out by the end of the semester. In this case, this source is importnat to visit and know more about this problem http://livecustomwriting.com/blog/tips-for-students-how-to-beat-stress